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Upcoming Beyond Special Classes

A quick reminder about our MELT opportunity starting this Thursday: it is a great skill set to add to your home self-care! We would love to have you join us.

Have you ever been sore after a long workout or wish someone would push you into the right spot to release a tight muscle? If so, we know you will want to join us for an exciting 4-week workshop on the MELT Method. MELT is a gentle self-treatment technique designed to restore the mobility of your connective tissue system. Kim Reis, Level 3 Melt Instructor, has created this workshop format to provide all the tools to integrate this technique into your regular home routine. The workshop will be four Thursday classes, from 10:00 -11:15 AM, on September 7, 14, 21 and 28. Interested in learning more? View our information sheet for more details. When you are ready to sign up, visit our website to register! We have two options: instruction only or instruction + equipment purchase. The combination option is an excellent way for you to have exactly what you will need to practice the techniques at home immediately. You can make your selection on the registration page.

Jim Dalton, our Tai Chi instructor, will begin a ‘fresh start’ or ‘blank slate’ group for the Tai Chi for Better Balance curriculum beginning 9/13/23. This curriculum is designed to take you through 16-20 lessons, and twice a week, class participation is recommended. Evidence supports that this particular set of forms, or movements, results in improved balance. You can jump in anywhere, but if you want to start ‘at the beginning’, please keep this date in mind. Classes are on Wednesday and Friday from 10-11 AM.

Our ongoing class schedule continues with Yoga, Tai Chi, and Essentrics; sign up here.

We believe in partnering with you and that, as your experienced Physical Therapist, we can help you through an episode of care and assist you in finding suitable options for lifestyle and functional exercise. We believe it, and we built Beyond to provide that opportunity.

So, we encourage you to ask us about which classes will be the best fit for you. If you believe that, too, then join us! Questions - email

As always, we remain nimble, courageous, and loving!

Diane, for the team at Connect & Beyond Physical Therapy

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